Yes, it assists in the discovery and evaluation of potential investment opportunities, strategic partnerships, and acquisition targets. The platform grants access to an extensive database comprising companies, investors, and valuable market insights.
Cyndx Finder is more sector driven. It will show a full view of active players in a market. On the other hand, Cyndx Raiser is more transaction-specific. It will show how to find the best match for a particular fundraise or strategic acquirer. Can I pull target lists in Finder?Explorer is a Cyndx Finder […]
Dynamic mapping refers to how companies are “mapped” by their relative similarity—so, companies which are more similar are closer together, while companies which are less similar are further apart.
Cyndx can potentially help to shorten this process by screening for companies with certain characteristics (financials, IP, strategic fit) during the initial search.
Yes. Cyndx has a custom comparables tab which shows all companies with financials in the cohort to better understand how private companies in that space will be trading. You can view financial multiples in a list and dynamically update your preferred comparison by selecting or removing companies to include.