Cyndx can potentially help to shorten this process by screening for companies with certain characteristics (financials, IP, strategic fit) during the initial search.
Yes. Cyndx has a custom comparables tab which shows all companies with financials in the cohort to better understand how private companies in that space will be trading. You can view financial multiples in a list and dynamically update your preferred comparison by selecting or removing companies to include.
Yes, Cyndx Valer derives your company’s value using Cyndx’s massive dataset and AI-powered methods. In less than an hour, you get a valuation analysis that you can present to banks, investors and acquirers.
Cyndx is an AI-driven financial technology company that provides a platform to simplify fundraising and M&A activities. Cyndx uses its advanced algorithms to accurately curate and rank investor lists, increasing the efficiency of capital raising and M&A transactions for entrepreneurs, private equity firms, venture capital firms, and more.
With Cyndx, you can discover potential acquisition targets, identify strategic partners, and access market insights to support growth strategies.
Yes, Cyndx provides businesses with a powerful platform for deal sourcing, helping them discover and evaluate potential investment opportunities, strategic partnerships, and acquisition targets. The platform offers access to company profiles, financial information, growth metrics, funding history, and industry trends to support informed decision-making. It offers access to a vast database of companies, investors, and […]